Vesper’s Host#
Traversal: Airlock#

Encounter 1: Reboot#
Resists: Arc, Solar, Sniper
brain: wall 1, wall 2, column, nuke {left, top, right}
lungs: door, corner, crates, front, wall 2 (nearest front), wall 1 (nearest door)
heart: right corner, column door, column front, door left, door right, left corner
Encounter 2#
grab and store operator in the terminal downstairs
kill the machine priest and go upstairs
grab surpressor and right after bombs drop it so you dont’ die
the ball will split in to 10 servitors, you are looking for the two that have lit circles in front of them
get the numbers of the servitors
you will get two each cycle, you need 4 numbers to cause a split, don’t shoot any panels until you’ve got 4 numbers
go down, shoot the control panels you recorded with operator
all the enemies will despawn, the giant ball will come down, you will need to grab surpressor, do the split thing again and do damage
repeat until boss is dead
Servitors read off the lights on their face like this:
o (1)
(8) o o (2)
o (4)
add the numbers together
so for example, if the top circle and the left circle are lit, that is servitor number 9.
top and bottom is number 5
right and left is number 10